It's the start of the block tests! Don't really want to say much so i shall say what's on my mind.
-Econs write until hand pain pain
-gp spells doom
-fitness is a wreck shall go run tml.
-am gaining weight due to my currerrent exercise condition. need to run real bad.
-saw samuel, tobias, yao lei train by themselves today. The future of hwachong is bright
-but maybe they kick till retain. Its dark again.
-mornings are hot. really hot.
-i want to go to the cage!
- didd yoou konw taht yoou ccan unndestnd tihs so lnog teh firrst andd lsat leteter arre corerect?
-my current world cup pot stands at 8.70 profit
-I'm bored
-genesis' hair looks funny
-i need a haircut; maybe go cut with rachel and shawn
-my brand new t90 boots look old cause of mud.
-this blog makes you dizzy, can you count the number of green squares?
-i need to mug.
Jun 26, 2006
Jun 20, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen. Introducing the Hace club! Hace, meaning Hot and Cool Edmund club is the new in thing.
Edmund being our lovely president, we have decided to pledge our undying love, patience and support for him! Indeed Edmund is the spirit of norton. We would be hard pressed to find someone more charismatic, outspoken, suave and down right electrifying. He unites the arabs and the jews, the israelites and the pakistanis, the PAP and the WP. we lay down our arms and just ogle at him, wishing we were him.
Quote from rachel's blog:
Edmund is a giant magnet and we are all little iron fillings.
Edmund is a proton and we are all little electrons, propelled by nature to him.
Edmund is a flower and we are all little bees, queing up to kallang to get a piece of him.
When edmund walks on the streets, flowers are in bloom, the sun is shining, the bees hum a melodious harmony all in anticipation and hope that he would spare them a microsecond of his attention.
When edmund takes a swim, waves are calmed, fishes form a guard of honor, surrounding him.
When edmund leaves a certain place, the skies pour and heavens tear.
Fireworks dance and serende him; Birds awaken him with a chorale of melody.
Edmund, oh edmund.
how we long to honor you.
We want to erect temples and statues in your honor, engraving your name on every inch of surface we can find.
Edmund; so hot, so cool; what more can you ask for.
But a further dissection of the above logo, we see a coffee bean.
A bean.
edmund the king, he sure like coffee bean.
now he is pres. but beans is all he cares.
edmund the king. he's buying diamond ring.
edmund the pres. bean to him is the best.
Hail Edmund=)
+due to tremendouos support towards edmund, the hace committee has decided to open up more places. Interested applicant please leave a tag on the tagboard. Thank you and love edmund.
Jun 19, 2006
Today went to Kallang to celebrate Khoo's birthday. We went to the cage! The cage has UEFA and FIFA endorsed turf in it!

for more information, visit here
Anyway, it was really really fun. I'm sure Khoo enjoyed himself. Happy 17th birthday k?
When we went home we got to taste a different side of Singapore. Look around you everyone. The sky scrapers, buildings around you. Who builds them? The workers. While walking from the cage to Kallang mrt, we saw a pickup at the side of the road. Jireh thus jumped into the pickup and we took a picture of him. HAHA but the driver was alerted and he came out, He was shocked to see a bunch of adolescent teens crowding his vehicle.
Us:" Uncle we can lompang(hitch a ride) anot?"
Uncle" We going Jurong leh"
Us" OK!"
Uncle" I picking up other workers later. I lompang you all to the nearest bus stop ok?"
So we happilty clambered in.
On the pickup were several workers and we talked to them
Khoo:" The driver, is he your foreman?"
Bangla:" No he is my engineer"
Khoo:"Then where is your foreman?"
Bangla:"You see us, 1..2..3..4.., FOREMAN!"
On am more solemn note my chem test today died

for more information, visit here
Anyway, it was really really fun. I'm sure Khoo enjoyed himself. Happy 17th birthday k?
When we went home we got to taste a different side of Singapore. Look around you everyone. The sky scrapers, buildings around you. Who builds them? The workers. While walking from the cage to Kallang mrt, we saw a pickup at the side of the road. Jireh thus jumped into the pickup and we took a picture of him. HAHA but the driver was alerted and he came out, He was shocked to see a bunch of adolescent teens crowding his vehicle.
Us:" Uncle we can lompang(hitch a ride) anot?"
Uncle" We going Jurong leh"
Us" OK!"
Uncle" I picking up other workers later. I lompang you all to the nearest bus stop ok?"
So we happilty clambered in.
On the pickup were several workers and we talked to them
Khoo:" The driver, is he your foreman?"
Bangla:" No he is my engineer"
Khoo:"Then where is your foreman?"
Bangla:"You see us, 1..2..3..4.., FOREMAN!"
On am more solemn note my chem test today died
Jun 17, 2006
The beginning of the end
Today went to ventures. It was the deciding of the EXCO.
Here are the results!
Chairman: Edmund Yee
V Chairman: ME!
Secretary: ET
Treasurer: Casper
Programme: Me and jieli
Training: Yan and hung
Logistics: Yan
Oh no. You don't put lunatics in charge of the asylum. You don't put Jailbirds in charge of jail. You don't put cleaners in charge of the company. And you don't put Edmund and Cephas in charge of anything. This sparks the beginning of the end.
By casper:
edmund the king, he sure like coffee bean. now he is pres. but beans is all he cares. edmund the king. he's buying diamond ring. edmund the pres. bean to him is the best.
Here are the results!
Chairman: Edmund Yee
V Chairman: ME!
Secretary: ET
Treasurer: Casper
Programme: Me and jieli
Training: Yan and hung
Logistics: Yan
Oh no. You don't put lunatics in charge of the asylum. You don't put Jailbirds in charge of jail. You don't put cleaners in charge of the company. And you don't put Edmund and Cephas in charge of anything. This sparks the beginning of the end.
By casper:
edmund the king, he sure like coffee bean. now he is pres. but beans is all he cares. edmund the king. he's buying diamond ring. edmund the pres. bean to him is the best.
Jun 14, 2006
On a wing and a prayer
I seriously hope tomorrow's training will be better.
On another note, will be going to kallang's the cage tomorrow, with my beloved norton. Hope to finally enjoy football for all it's worth.
I seriously hope my hair will grow longer and faster so that i can go and finally get a new hair style. i want to make a fin at the back of my head again.
*silver t90 boots man (:
+I really REALLY need to start mugging.
On another note, will be going to kallang's the cage tomorrow, with my beloved norton. Hope to finally enjoy football for all it's worth.
I seriously hope my hair will grow longer and faster so that i can go and finally get a new hair style. i want to make a fin at the back of my head again.
*silver t90 boots man (:
+I really REALLY need to start mugging.
Jun 12, 2006
smells like team spirit
Team spirit. It has often been undersetimated in sports, in activities across humanity in general. We often see the collection of all-star teams, playing supposed fantasy football, calling themselves the best team on the planet. what rubbish.
A great, rather cliched example used would be the dutch. Them and their egos. How they have always battled with each other during tournaments, only to self combust. Clarence seedorf, a midfielder always interrupted the coach's talk to give his own opinion. He demanded to be played in his favourite position, threatening to walk out if it wasn't agreed to. He came to training late, slacked off. Now, he has been sacked from the team and suddenly, holland look like champs again.
A united team will always be stronger than a divided one. Bricks need cement to hold them together. Sticks need glue. Snails need slime to grip on to the leafs. Players need team spirit.
It is never easy trying to get into a new team, a team where everyone knows everyone else already. A team where they have been good friends for 4plus years, playing football and just interacting with each other. Cliques are rife in this team and they just stick together. Try being someone new, whose capabilities are not spectacular and it is very hard to turn their disapproving stares into smiles. They maybe view me as someone taking their place, someone spoiling the perfect chemistry between each other.
I miss the njc soccer team, where everyone was really good friends. They had a thrashing session once in a while and you voiced out your disapprovements with whatever your team mate did, on or off the field. There was no animosity and the seniors, despite knowing the places were being threatened by the new j1 blood, never did anything to make you feel unwelcome. Its a real warm place where everyone just keeps on laughing.
I remember the times in malacca. where we just laughed on the bus, secretly for fear of angering ms ho, but still laughing. Despite losing the match and you know you fucked up, after the thrashing out session that happens, we remain good friends.
i hope things improve
A great, rather cliched example used would be the dutch. Them and their egos. How they have always battled with each other during tournaments, only to self combust. Clarence seedorf, a midfielder always interrupted the coach's talk to give his own opinion. He demanded to be played in his favourite position, threatening to walk out if it wasn't agreed to. He came to training late, slacked off. Now, he has been sacked from the team and suddenly, holland look like champs again.
A united team will always be stronger than a divided one. Bricks need cement to hold them together. Sticks need glue. Snails need slime to grip on to the leafs. Players need team spirit.
It is never easy trying to get into a new team, a team where everyone knows everyone else already. A team where they have been good friends for 4plus years, playing football and just interacting with each other. Cliques are rife in this team and they just stick together. Try being someone new, whose capabilities are not spectacular and it is very hard to turn their disapproving stares into smiles. They maybe view me as someone taking their place, someone spoiling the perfect chemistry between each other.
I miss the njc soccer team, where everyone was really good friends. They had a thrashing session once in a while and you voiced out your disapprovements with whatever your team mate did, on or off the field. There was no animosity and the seniors, despite knowing the places were being threatened by the new j1 blood, never did anything to make you feel unwelcome. Its a real warm place where everyone just keeps on laughing.
I remember the times in malacca. where we just laughed on the bus, secretly for fear of angering ms ho, but still laughing. Despite losing the match and you know you fucked up, after the thrashing out session that happens, we remain good friends.
i hope things improve
Jun 11, 2006
grandma house
I will be staying at my grandma's house for this world cup period to take full advanage of her CRYSTAL CLEAR tv1 channel(:
Jun 7, 2006
I'm Hot
I'm sick. Again.
It really sucks when you fall ill time and time again, despite all your efforts to stay healthy.
I drink water like a fish. Even when im not thirsty. I eat vegetables, fruits even the occasional vitamin C pill.
I don't really know how this started. My best guess is that is when i started going to soccer training at december. When i started training, i pushed my body to the maximum of its capabilities. I never slacked during trainings regardless of how "hiong" or how useless i felt the training was going to me. I put in the cliched"110%" everyday under arasu, ms ho or just going for a run by myself. But despite following the advices of everyone to keep myself hydrated and never push yourself over the edge and eating a full meal 2 hours after training, the sickness was inevitable.
Like a ghost, it haunted me, trailing me, swinging its sceptre at my head. Perhaps it is some supernatural, spiritual being that haunts me. I've lost count of the number of times i went for training with a sore throat, a runnny nose, a fever(slight) or a combination of the above three. Its never easy excelling in training, all the more given disadvantages in my body.
Now, i've given up. Its no use trying to rescutiate the inevitable. Hence, DON"T.
+im going for camp youthnique tml. hope it doesn't suck.
It really sucks when you fall ill time and time again, despite all your efforts to stay healthy.
I drink water like a fish. Even when im not thirsty. I eat vegetables, fruits even the occasional vitamin C pill.
I don't really know how this started. My best guess is that is when i started going to soccer training at december. When i started training, i pushed my body to the maximum of its capabilities. I never slacked during trainings regardless of how "hiong" or how useless i felt the training was going to me. I put in the cliched"110%" everyday under arasu, ms ho or just going for a run by myself. But despite following the advices of everyone to keep myself hydrated and never push yourself over the edge and eating a full meal 2 hours after training, the sickness was inevitable.
Like a ghost, it haunted me, trailing me, swinging its sceptre at my head. Perhaps it is some supernatural, spiritual being that haunts me. I've lost count of the number of times i went for training with a sore throat, a runnny nose, a fever(slight) or a combination of the above three. Its never easy excelling in training, all the more given disadvantages in my body.
Now, i've given up. Its no use trying to rescutiate the inevitable. Hence, DON"T.
+im going for camp youthnique tml. hope it doesn't suck.
Jun 5, 2006
Jun 3, 2006
im hot
The weather is so hot these days. Temperatures have reached a sizzling 34 degrees according to my fridge magnet thermometer. I pespire wherever i go. When i read books, when i eat instant noodles, when i drink lychee juice, when i move my leaden fingers to slug out this entry. I guess this is why many "weather" has been listed as a possible cause for migration according to Secondary School Geography.
Hot weather has never been conducive for studying. Your body is a caramel-like glob that can stick all your notes. Your sweat pours forth till it really runneth over and your notes become incomprehensible. It is painful to study and thus, many a times, lesser mortals would have gone to sleep.
Herein lies the problem. The scheming timetable planners(grrr) planned our exams after the holidays! It seems foolhardy not to study. Yet everyday the weather preys on my weak body and even weaker mind that the question is not whether i will stop studying, rather when will i stop.
and my aircon is spoilt! :'(
This is an extract from my current listening song, In Too Deep by Sum 41
The faster we're falling
we're stopping and stalling
we're running in circles again
Hot weather has never been conducive for studying. Your body is a caramel-like glob that can stick all your notes. Your sweat pours forth till it really runneth over and your notes become incomprehensible. It is painful to study and thus, many a times, lesser mortals would have gone to sleep.
Herein lies the problem. The scheming timetable planners(grrr) planned our exams after the holidays! It seems foolhardy not to study. Yet everyday the weather preys on my weak body and even weaker mind that the question is not whether i will stop studying, rather when will i stop.
and my aircon is spoilt! :'(
This is an extract from my current listening song, In Too Deep by Sum 41
The faster we're falling
we're stopping and stalling
we're running in circles again
Jun 2, 2006
a barbe.
Last time in 2k, we had a slacker's corner. It was at the right hand back corner of the class. Then during lesssons everyone just "kun". or sleep if you like it. haha. It was hilarious. The corner had me, SiQi, Xuankai, Desmond, Valerie, Rimmel, Zhenling and maybe others which i couldn't remember. But seeing how SLACK we were, we have done pretty decently at the o-level.
And to think i was nearly expelled for failing chinese at that time.
Surely, the doomsayers and naybringers got it wrong this time.
Yesterday bbq was a decent one. It was held at the Blue Horizon condominium, where ben yap lived. Ben shifted house AGAIN, from the carribean no less lah. haha rich boy. That place is really very nice! The houses all very blue-ish and ocenish. haha.
The food was so-so lah, typical bbq fare. Except the cheese hot dogs. omg i am seriously getting fat, just thinking about those juicy rolls of meat. they are vv nice! but i ate a few only cause they were vvv filling.
Talked alot of crap yesterday about our various new schools or polys. Real nice, everyone has a tale to share about how cool/uncool their school is. haha.
One thing about the bbq, there were 2 distinct clans yesterday. Like one side sit here, one side sit there. sigh.
chase the ball man.
And to think i was nearly expelled for failing chinese at that time.
Surely, the doomsayers and naybringers got it wrong this time.
Yesterday bbq was a decent one. It was held at the Blue Horizon condominium, where ben yap lived. Ben shifted house AGAIN, from the carribean no less lah. haha rich boy. That place is really very nice! The houses all very blue-ish and ocenish. haha.
The food was so-so lah, typical bbq fare. Except the cheese hot dogs. omg i am seriously getting fat, just thinking about those juicy rolls of meat. they are vv nice! but i ate a few only cause they were vvv filling.
Talked alot of crap yesterday about our various new schools or polys. Real nice, everyone has a tale to share about how cool/uncool their school is. haha.
One thing about the bbq, there were 2 distinct clans yesterday. Like one side sit here, one side sit there. sigh.
chase the ball man.
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